As a member of the Warehouse Arts District Association, you become part of a larger community of like-minded people seeking to promote, advocate and benefit working artists while enriching the whole community.
Membership Levels
- Artist, Gallery or Studio
- Arts Supporter
- Business Supporter
- Student Membership

Member Benefits
Artist/Gallery/Studio $65 per year
- Show & Sell Your Work
- 2nd Saturday
- WADA Art Store on the Plaza
- Rent Tent Space on the Plaza
- WADA Online Art Store
- Participate in member-only art shows at the ArtsXchange
- Participate in Special Projects such as You Good? and Art Tubs
Promote your Work
- Social media promotion of your artwork, shows, workshops and other events
- Member Profile on website, WADA Digest, FB Member Network, Facebook & Instagram
- Eligible to be a featured artist in the WADA Email Digest and on the website, at social mixers or eligible to host a social mixer
- Use of the WADA logo and other associated materials
Help your Business
- Free Professional Education provided by WADA on business, legal issues, and issues of importance to artists
- Social mixers to meet and network with other members
- Use of the Burka Member Lounge by appointment
- Discounted rate to rent the gallery or classroom for private events at the ArtsXchange
Art Supporter – $65 per year
- Social mixers to meet and network with other members
- Use of the Burka Member Lounge by appointment
- Discounted rate to rent the gallery or classroom for private events at the ArtsXchange
- Invitation to all WADA & WADA affiliated events
Business Supporter – $150 per year
- WADA website listing as a Business Member with link back to your website
- Promotion via social media of your specials and events or special discounts for WADA members
- Eligible to host Social Mixers or other WADA Events
- Participate in committees of the Warehouse Arts District
- Free Professional Education provided by WADA
- Invitation to all WADA & WADA affiliated events
- Featured article on the WADA website, and/or in an email blast when you reach your 5 year anniversary
- Recognition as a Business Member at Special Events when you reach your 5 year anniversary
- Ability to rent the gallery or classroom for private events at the ArtsXchange at a discounted rate.
- One free ad on the website & WADA social media annually
- Official WADA window sticker indicating your membership.
- Use of the Burka Member Lounge by appointment
Students – Full Time Art Majors ONLY – $25 per year
- Listing on the WADA Website as a Student Member with link back to your website or social media Promotion via social media of artwork, shows, and other events.
- Eligible to participate in member art shows at the ArtsXchange
- Free Professional Education provided by WADA on business, legal issues, and issues of importance to artists
- Opportunities for Art Critiques with Experienced Member Artists and/or Galleries
- Eligible to participate in mini-Internships with members, WADA and galleries/studios.
- Discounted rate to rent the gallery or classroom for private events at the ArtsXchange
- Social mixers to meet and network with members
- Use of the Burka Member Lounge by appointment
Become a member today!
For membership related questions, you may email